Imagine wandering through the rainforest. The climate is humid and claggy. The floor is covered with dirt, leaves, tree roots and other foliage. The sunlight barely pierces through the canopy. Yet, as you look up to the trees, you see different animals roaming around the area. The monkeys catch your eye the most, though. And why wouldn’t they? They’re one of the most active and blatantly noisy creatures to reside there.

From gorillas to orangutans, Go Bananas from Netent will present these monkeys to you in their natural habitat. Along the way, you’ll get plenty of entertainment from the slot, too. This is firstly due to the fact that Netent utilizes some stellar graphics in the game, giving you a visually stunning option to play. At the same time, there’s a great base game to start you off, before you trigger various inbuilt special features. Not only that, but there’s also the addition of an appropriate soundtrack for the game, too. So, everything really wraps together in the slot to provide you with a thoroughly attractive offering from the developer.