Poker - Articles
Born Antanas Guoga, Tony G. is a businessman and politician better known for his career as a professional poker player. More to the point, Tony G. is known as the ultimate trash-talker. For a man named after the patron saint of the poor, Mr. Guoga has a reputation as something of a loudmouth. If you watch at the table
I wrote this post for a simple reason – I got sick of teaching my friends how to pick a good online poker tournament, so I wrote something I could copy and paste as an email response. The goal of this page is to help you find the right kind of online poker tournament for you to enter, based on a few different factors. When we say “perfect”
Everyone has their favorite casino games and everyone wants a chance to win some money while playing these games. Some people are more interested in playing as long as possible than having the best chance to win on any given trip. Video poker offers some of the best chances to extend your bankroll at the same time as
It’s strange for an old-school guy like me to think that a virtual currency is being used to play poker. I’m used to using what I’d consider traditional payment methods to fund my own action – cash, credit cards, and eWallets. A few months ago, I couldn’t have told you what BitCoin is if you’d sat down and patiently explained it to me for an hour first. BitCoin poker is, really, a thing. A few poker rooms and other gambling sites are
I usually agree with the writer Orison Marden: “He only is rich who can enjoy without owning.” I own a decent car, sure, but I’ve maintained it and kept it running for over a decade. I don’t have a massive house, I don’t wear any jewelry besides my wedding ring, and I try to live life simply. Except when it comes to poker. I'm a
A behavior that you’ll find in just about every new no-limit player is betting for hand protection. Most newcomers are way too worried about “protecting” their hands. For instance, you’ll commonly see a newcomer holding a top pair so worried about a possible flush draw that they ignore potential value in second-tier hands. We’ve all
The best position while playing no limit Texas holdem is the button. You have more information than any of your opponents when it’s your turn to act.Your advantages include the ability to call or raise a previous bet, or check to see a free card or raise when it’s checked to you. The button is the most profitable pre-flop position at
I’ve never met a poker player that didn’t want to be better. Poker players are (among other things) driven competitors. They’ll use any available edge. And why shouldn’t they? When you’re placing real-money poker bets, any shift in the odds makes a difference to your bottom line. How do poker players improve their game? They use
With few exceptions, all poker games place hands on the same scale from high- to low-value. Poker hands are ranked depending on their likelihood. The least-likely hands are the highest-ranked; the most common hands are the lowest-ranked. Identical poker hands are ranked by which hands holds cards of the highest value. Here is
If you came here searching for how to improve your bluffing skills, then you’ve probably been caught by opponents more than a few times. While running a successful bluff is rewarding, getting sucked deeper into a pot and then exposed as a fraud is equally frustrating.Even if you’ve failed in the past, learning the fine art